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2024, « year of the camel ». MVI’ veterinary events in 2024



                          Medical Veterinary Competences Network

                          Réseau de compétences vétérinaires


2024, « year of the camel ». MVI’ veterinary events in 2024.

The year 2024 has been declared by the FAO as the “year of the camel”. On this occasion, the League of Pastoral Peoples (LPP) organized an international workshop on camelid pastoralism.  This workshop was organized from January 5 to 10 in Sadri, Rajasthan, India, by the LPP. MVI joins the first event of the International Year of Camels 2024.

Participants represented Raika camel breeders and other camel breeders from Rajasthan and Gujarat in India, camel breeders from Mongolia and Kenya, and researchers and practitioners from India, Iran, Kenya, from the United Kingdom and Germany. They were joined online by scientists and practitioners from Peru, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and the United States. Workshop participants saw that the International Year of the Camel is an opportunity to understand and value the work and knowledge of camelid breeding communities. These must be at the center of activities during the Year. Mobile camelid breeders plan to unite their voices globally and work in alliance to promote and adopt a development model that is good for camelids, people and the planet.

 MVI is preparing several events, including:

1. A videoconference (Webinar) with our partners from IZSUM of Perugia, in Italy, Monday March 11, 2024, on the preparation of a project to submit to donors for the financing of a cooperation project between Italy and Tunisia making following the call for proposals published by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICD). MVI proposed to IZSUM a project to create a veterinary complex in Béni M’hira dedicated mainly  , in the governorate of Tataouine.

 2. An international forum on camels and the breeding of ruminants of indigenous breeds which will be held in Kairouan, on Saturday May 25, 2024 and whose main themes will concern the species of indigenous ruminants (dromedaries, cattle, sheep and goats), the dietary supplementation of their fodder rations and the epidemiology of the pathologies which affect them. This forum is organized by Medical Veterinary International and les grands moulins du Sud, its main partner.

3. Participation in the 32nd World Buiatry Congress from May 20 to 24, 2024 in Cancun, Mexico - Convention Center - ). MVI will be represented by Dr. Said Jaajaa, member of the Executive Committee who will present a research work on “Strategy for Controlling Emerging and Enzootic Diseases in Cattle Breeding, Tuberculosis Case

4. Research work on the epidemiological situation of infectious diseases and more particularly those linked to arboviruses, in North Africa, carried out by Dr. Boubaker Ben Smida as part of the preparation of his PhD, under the title of “breeding and pathology of camels and small ruminants”.

4. Research work on the exploration of the pharmacokinetic evaluation of oral Deracoxib in geese and the experimental pharmacology protocol on the dromedary by Dr. Firas Serih as part of his PhD preparation at the universities of Sassari (Sardinia) and Perugia (Umbria and Marche), department of veterinary sciences.   



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